Thursday, May 31, 2012

Impatient Dieter Diet

And so it begins! :) Today, June 1, 2012 will be the first day of my Impatient Dieter Liquid Diet. You can find the details on this diet at . Although it seems that she has taken a hiatus from her blog and website, I still hope to get the same results that she has achieved. She started out at 257 lbs and lost 10 lbs the first day 9 the next, and 3 the day after. I know that this was water weight, but it is water weight that she is no longer carrying around. We are not camels people! So that being said, I am going to be documenting my progress on this blog, and keeping a thorough account in my daily planner. If anyone wants my excel planner please feel free to email me and I will send it to you. :)
My daily schedule will be as follows:
8:00 am     Wake up
                  Take daily supplements
                  Take thyroid medicine
8:30 am     Shake
9:00 am     Walk/Jog for 1 hour
                  Wii Dance for 30 minutes
10:30 am    Shake
11:30 am    Shake
12:30 pm    250 calorie Meal
1:30 pm     Shake
2:30 pm     Shake
3:30 pm     Shake
4:30 pm     250 calorie Meal
5:30 pm     Shake
7:00pm       Walk/Jog for 1hour
                  25 Abdominal Crunches For Each Side
                  50 Inner Thigh Circular Leg Lifts
                  Arms Exercises
 The shakes that I am using are called About Time Whey protein isolate Shakes.
I have the birthday cake and Chocolate. I tried the Cinnamon Swirl and it tasted like cinnamon mixed with might be better with skim milk but I did not try it. blah. But the chocolate is probably my favorite, I am looking forward to trying the mocha mint and peanut butter. I have been purchasing mine at a health food store that is in Tallmadge, Ohio called Seven grains Natural Market. This is their website
If you have any questions on where to find these shakes let me know, I look forward to documenting my weight loss on here. Thanks!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

A.D.D. will be the death of me it has been QUITE some time since I have posted on my blog and I am super unexcited about that. I did however start on an adventure to start getting us eating healthy and on a budget. We canceled our Time Warner Cable because they raised the price on us AGAIN. So fair well cable, and hello to much needed quiet time to reflect and actually get some stuff done around the house :) I will miss my shows, but my husband pointed out that I can watch them online.
But getting back to the eating healthy part :) I have been working away at a weekly meal planner which has everything planned out to the "T" on what we will be eating for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and Joe's snack before school on Monday's and Wednesday's. I am getting ready to go to Aldi's because unlike save-a-lot, Aldi's has a whole line of healthy foods called Fit-N-Active. I went a few weeks ago with my Mother in law and I was able to get a lot of nice healthy snacks and things for our lunches at a really cheap price. And they are good for us. So I will be shopping at Aldi's, atleast until Save-A-Lot comes out with a similar health conscience brand. :)
I also am going to be using my crock pot for 4 out of the 5 meals that I am going to cook this week so we shall see how that works out, hopefully that will cut back on my prep time after work, and we can eat earlier and even go on an evening stroll with Mr. Cooper.

Friday, March 5, 2010

The weekend starts @ 4 :)

This is week has been pretty brutal. But I did get my acceptance letter to Stark State in the mail, which is rather exciting! I am hoping to start classes toward my Early Childhood Education Associate degree this fall! :) If I can get my CDA before June I will start June 1st, but I am thinking that I am really realistically looking to start in August, the Monday after we comeback from Myrtle Beach! Which works out perfectly!
I am going to pull out the WiiFit this hasn't been used since we moved to our new that's what...9 oh well. Better late then never. And now that Aunt Flow is slowly but surely leaving after kicking my butt for a personal record of 14 days and counting. I haven't been able to use my treadmill and it is making me super sad, so to make up for it I am going to do both this weekend! YEA!!! Let's hope that by May I will be comfortable and tan enough to have fun in Vegas lounging by the pool, and maybe ready for a bikini in August.....we will see. lol.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Thing 1 and Thing 2

  • Welllllll.....Thing 1 is that I FINALLY went to the Doctor on February 8th! I started taking my medication and presto chango....Aunt Flow FINALLY came. She landed on February 22nd, and has decided that she would like to stay with me because she is STILL here! 12 days and counting! And the problem with that is...I am supposed to take my medicine on March 8th again so that I can have her revisit...but if she NEVER can she come. lol. But it is a blessing to actually be able to have her here, since I haven't seen her in 2 years.
  • Thing 2 is that I am in the Vacation mode!!!! We are going to Vegas for a week in May, May 8th-15th to be exact :) I am not so excited about this one as I am with the next 2 vacays that I have planned. In July, Brandi and her sister Heather, and I will be embarking on a road trip to Virginia Beach! YEAA!!! We are only going to stay for 5 days and 4 nights, but I have a feeling that we will have a BLAST! THEN!!! a few weeks later in August we are going on a HUGE family vacation! And by huge I mean that there is going to be approximately 18 people going down to Myrtle Beach with us!!!! AMAZING! My parents haven't been to the beach in forever and I am so excited that they are going to be able to go. And I am sooooo hoping that I will be pregnant as in May we are going to be going to the doctor right before Vegas and really trying to make this work! :) So ideally we would be pregnant starting in May or June and then we would have our little bundle of joy in February or March of next year! lol...and their won't be a May or June baby to match all of our families birthdays lol. So wish us luck and keep us in your prayers!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The pursuit of

Well, I have always held a job ever since May of 2002. I have worked either numerous part-time jobs and babysat, or worked a full-time job and babysat. When it comes down to it, I would much rather be babysitting then working 2 or 3 part-time jobs or 1 full-time job to be exact. I know that my ultimate dream is to have my own daycare, but that isn't going to happen anytime soon, so maybe for the time being I can just babysit. I would love to babysit enough to quit my job, wouldn't that be stellar? Now if I can only get my husband on board to let me quit and babysit then we will be in business! lol :)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Weightloss planning

Okay...well I have lost a total of 6 pounds so far, which is great, but a little disheartening :( I was hoping to lose closer to 8 lbs per month but I can always make up for lost time I guess. I am going to start working out every morning and try to work out twice a day on the weekends...we will see how this works lol. The medication I am on makes me sooo tired, but I if I can go to bed at a decent hour and wake up at 6am for a quick workout before work I think it will work! So wish me luck and I will keep you posted on how much the workouts help my weight loss!

Friday, February 12, 2010

yea yea yea....

So much for posting I really do have good intentions when I set out to start a blogging adventure :) But maybe I need to take into account that I do have ADD and that I am prone to starting tasks and never (well, we won't say never :) ) finishing them. So I have been browsing through many different blogs about scrap booking and it has really gotten me excited to get into blogging. I have a lot of pages that I have completed and I really like to share ideas with my friends so this would be something that I am interested in and that I can connect with many different people from all over! :)